Darkness is Nothing But a Lack of Light

"This darkness is nothing but a lack of light."
Lyric from "Sentimental and Monday" by Holy Holy

And sometimes in that darkness, the place of our incubation, we forget what the light looks like or feels like. 
There is a light that never goes out. 
It is the light that illuminates from within. It burns like a glowing ember. 
It is often hidden in the shadows, and gives the shadows their structure. 
It is your essence. 
It is your Soul Spark. 
And, it is evident throughout the natural world. 
You are the forest, the trees and the light of the Sun. 
May you not fall into the trappings of black and white, right or wrong, yes or no. 
May you expand your vision with its touch of gray. 
May you begin to love the contrast, the chiaroscuro, and the Divine Masterpiece that is you. 
Excerpt from "The Art of Becoming" from Architect of the Divine: Restoring the Heartspace for Love
Your light became your dark. 

And the dance of the shadow was your

The quest to emerge from the depths of this never-ending
dark night became your passion. 

Your desolate heartspace thirsty for the lush landscape
of stillness. 

But everywhere you looked were more imperfect shards of your fragmented self. 

The only thing left to do was to mend the
spaces in between,
collecting the reflections and 
reassembling the 
interior castle. 
Keep reaching for the light that is reflecting back to you. Honor your silhouette and open your heart. 


P.S. If you read this far... Today I taught yoga to 55 teenage boys during a PE class IN a high school...
Holding space for them in sivasana was so incredibly powerful. 
I am so grateful that I get to be an instrument of peace. 
The more peace I feel within, the more I am able to offer the world. It has been a LONG road and so very worth it. I sense I am on the cusp of exactly what I have been dreaming into for over a decade. No details now, but feeling excited. 

Unsplash Image by Lukas Bornhauser