Breakdown to Breakthrough

USA-The Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Canada-Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566
UK &Ireland-The Samaritans: 116-123
Australia-Lifeline: 13-11-14
New Zealand-Lifeline: 0800-543-345

We are in a pivotal moment in our evolution as human beings. We are tasked with healing ancestral pain, collective pain, societal indoctrinations, personal traumas, and ecological mishandling. 
We are at choice in every given moment to pause, witness and access a wisdom that we may have forgotten we carry. 
It is only through our belief in something far greater than what our reptilian brain (housed in the amygdala) offers, that we can come home to who we are. 
We are far greater than what our social media account shares, what our personal relationships entail, and what our means of survival (job, education, etc.) can offer. 
We are being given a chance, an opportunity, to expand and in that expansion, to connect. 
Yes, there are differences of opinion, and differences in lifestyle, personal goals and ways in which we worship as much as there are differences in who or what we worship. 
We have chosen, as humans, to experience it all in our human skin, our Earth suits. We have chosen to feel the rush of emotion and to be given opportunities to express. 
It can all be too much in any given moment. 
We can hold our head in our hands and bow down, or we can shake our fists at something we cannot see. 
Again, we can choose. 
Perhaps some of us have been able to witness ourselves from a greater perspective and are willing to make amends with ourselves. 
Through that personal forgiveness, we create the freedom we need to allow others to have their own freedom. 
It takes discipline. 
It takes tenderness. 
It takes time. 
And that time is now. 
It is right here. It is RIGHT NOW. 
I ask you, dear ones, before you invite the pain of the world into your being, sit with your own and see how similar the two are. 
In recognizing it, you will open the channel to empathy and compassion. 
We need more compassion than ever. 
We are hungry for it. 
We are seeking it. 
Reach out to those who are in pain, especially those who are silent about it. 
Never assume that a tragic event will heal with "time." 
Time does help, but time does not heal-people heal when they acknowledge their pain and risk others knowing that they need support. 
Often times that support is so hard to ask for. So very very hard. 
A simple question that helps is: "What do you need?" 
And be open to hear the answer. 
My heart is radiating for those students who were hurting and who felt that taking their own life is the only way to escape the guilt and pain. 
My heart aches for the father who could no longer carry the burden and advocate for a cause that fell on deaf ears at the government level. 
And, daily....I hear the stories and see the crisis. 
We are in crisis, dear humans. And this breakdown is leading to the breakthrough. 
Sending love and compassion through the ethers of this social media. 
Be gentle. Be tender. Be still. 

If you are needing extra support, or know someone who is, please reach out. It is safe. You are needed. You are held. 
Unsplash Image-Aaron Blanco Tejedor