
Abundance is a choice. 
You are always at choice to welcome the energy of abundant love, joy, prosperity and happiness into your life. 
Affirmations, when said with an open heart, can indeed shift your frequency. 
You may feel your mood lift, you may begin to allow images of the life you are desiring to play through your imaginal mind. 
You may even gather up some wonderful ideas that surprise you. 
You are indeed powerful. 
So instead of resolutions for a new year, how about opening up to adopting a diet of self-love? 
What you feed yourself (food, relationships, words, media, movies, experiences) are important. 
Again, YOU get to choose. 
I offer up a few affirmations to get you going. 
You choose what resonates and feels good to you. 
Write them on a piece of paper and stick them on your bathroom mirror, or your steering wheel. 
Paint them. 
Collage them with letters from magazines. 
CREATE the messages that YOU need and desire to hear. 
Co-create your life. 
You no longer need to be a passenger, passively waiting for life to become.
Your HEART already knows. 
Connection time!
Taking a deep breath in and out-maybe 3. 
Repeat each one aloud as many times as you like throughout your day.
"I am a powerful creator of my life." 
"I choose abundance."
"I love myself more and more each day." 
"I am becoming more grateful for all that I am." 
"I am ready to experience happiness effortlessly."
"I am a magnificent creation."
"I am pure love." 
"Love is all around me."
Here's to making each and every day a new beginning, a fresh opportunity, a sacred moment. 
Here's to new calendar years, new vibrant energy and the gift of being a human being.
Photo: Unsplash Igor Kasalovic