In a Time of No Answers

This came through quickly, and wanted to be shared. 
Hope begins...

In a time of no answers..
...when the world seems to be collapsing in on itself.
...when technology has offered up more opportunities to connect, and to isolate.
..when the pain of centuries is yearning to be seen and healed.
...when the divide is so great, among nations, among humans, within families, and within the human heart. 
...when the tough conversations are needed but feared.
...when the laws are rigid and unbreaking.
...when there are amendments that need to be amended.
...when the cries of the unseen are starting to be heard.
...when the silent whispers of the soul's longing are relentless in their pursuit to get you to pay attention.
...when you have tried everything else and failed. 
...when you cannot see your failings as the miracles of what has kept you on your path.
...when you are uncertain whether you can take another step.
...when you balance on the precarious perch of taking a leap of faith or rooting yourself in the cement of immobility. 
...when the stories that have been told for so long no longer make sense or have weight.
...when you are ready to surrender but you cannot find your white flag.
...when you only want to be initiated into the silence because you think that THIS is where peace lies. That THIS is what it means to be safe. That THIS is when you no longer have to try. 
And breathe. 
And close your eyes. 
Begin to see beyond the boundary of your limited vision. 
Give in. 
And admit that you are, indeed, not in control. 
Yet, you are, indeed, the co-creator. 
And maybe, just for once, you allow yourSelf to be stripped away, emptied of your mortal burden of "trying to do it right."

Maybe, just for once, you ASK the questions: 

"Show me how to be. 
Show me how to be the vessel that accepts this gift of being a human being. 
Show me how to honor life and, most importantly, show me how to honor myself in all ways so that others will only become an extension of who I am. 
Regardless of race, class, language, religion, let me see the Divine mirror reflecting back to me each and every day. 
Let me see how I project and what I reflect. 
Show me what it means to experience my internal world, externally. 
Help me to create a new horizon of significance that I can walk towards with confidence. 
Show me how to live the life that I have designed. 
Show me what I am reaching for, what I am seeking."

Without trying to find the answers. 
You wait. 
And in this space of self-reflection, may you find the answers that you so want from the world around you.
Maybe then you can see that you are meant for far greater things than your mind can ever possibly conceive of. 

You. Are. It. 

Unplash Image by Logan Fisher