The Walls are Crumbling

The walls are crumbling. 
The sounds from the deepest well of our being are screaming aloud to be heard. 
We are desperate to find solace; to be validated in our existence because the pain is so great. 
It is your pain. 
It is their pain. 
It is OUR pain. 
Let us allow this pain to strike us open and to split separation once and for all. 
Because the separation is only a myth. But it is a myth that has be told for far too long. 
This pain. 
It is a song. 
It is a gong reverberating to our core. 
Our CORE. 
We MUST go there. 
To that depth. 
To that pain and willingly, consciously, lovingly mend it. 
Mend the bridges. 
Mend the fractures. 
Make AMENDS to ourselves, for ourselves, to others, and for the absence of love. 
We have let this fear seep into the fabric of our beings. 
It is a dense matter that welcomes inertia. 
We are not the first to feel this pain. 
We will certainly not be the last. 
And, we are at choice. 
Breathe. Reset. Recalibrate. Trust. 
Now is the time to let go of your grip. 
For the thousand eyed Universe is watching and the God Spark in every one of us is waiting to be acknowledged. 
There is no one out there who will save you. 
Yet together, when we find out that our Divinity is far more powerful than what our egos could conceive of, then....
We will rise up. 
We will hold each other in our grief. 
We will stand in Truth. 
We will honor the ebb and flow of this magnificent human existence. 
We will uphold the force of love and it will change our song. 
First, we must choose. 
Then, we must act. 
Our lives depend on it. 
Our children depend on it. 
Our hearts are asking for it. 
My prayer: 
Dear God and Universal Truth, 
Show me what it is that I need to do in this moment. 
As I examine my conscience, show me the places where I can reconcile my dissonance with my own heart and those around me. 
May I see how I have withheld love from myself, from others through my actions and lack thereof. 
May I see how I am not separate from the tragedies of the world, but I am a player as well. 
May I not fall into patterns of blame or shame, but see it all in its explicit beauty and wisdom. 
May I choose gratitude over lack. 
May I choose hope over despair. 
May I be an open vessel, a hollow bone to be exactly who I have come to be. 
May I love. 
May I be loved. 
May I allow love. 
May I not close my heart because of the pain. 
May I learn to bleed without wanting to stifle the preciousness of the blood. 
May all beings everywhere be safe, healthy, and in peace. 
May I feel the peace that I so want to share with the world. 
May I embrace the best version of myself in any given moment. 
May I accept. 
With love, in love and for love. 
And so it is. 
Photo from Unsplash: Kat J