Being in the Mystery

A post from two years ago today: November 28, 2016
Still in the Mystery.


"The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical. It is the power of true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms-this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness." -Albert Einstein

My relationship with the Mystical Mystery of Life has been blasted open in the last couple of years. What I thought I knew was rearranged or destroyed. What I wanted to know was reordered. What I couldn't know before has been revealed. And, what I really want to know RIGHT NOW, is just that....a Mystery. Herstory. History.

My deep deep desire for knowing, for certainty, has been tested and challenged a great deal. Can I truly accept and be open to the present moment to reveal itself and then in that revealing, LIVE the present moment fully? I have come to accept even more the fleeting nature of everything. Of the weather. Of a relationship. Of a feeling. Yes, emotions are energy in motion...constantly in flux.

The grand paradox is how to be open to the Mystery, while understanding that I cannot be a passive participant in this Life. My choices, thoughts and decisions in turn create the reality of this grand Mystery. I choose how I want to engage at any given moment and how I want to spend my time. I can live in fear, believe in lack or restraint or self-imposed prisons, or I can open to believing in the impossible; the awe-inspiring moments of bliss. Sometimes that time happens to be 5 hours sitting in a restaurant with two strangers discussing energy, identity, past lives, goals, stepping into power, living on a mountaintop sipping tea like Yoda, or challenging the Self to reconcile parts of its shadow. I recognize that somehow my slate has been wiped clean, my schedule cleared so that I can indeed have these moments of perfect atmospheric ambiance that are so crucial to the path of self-discovery. But I always come back to wondering why it took so long to get to a place in my life when I could actually ALLOW experiences like this to exist. They must have been there all along? For that, again, gratitude. Better late than never. These times are precious.

I have been delicately balancing these new discoveries with the nature of reality and responsibility. Of the Life I want to live, the Life I have dreamed of living, and the Life and very real reality of what is going on outside of my beautiful spiritual bubble of Bali. So I will continue to dance up the spiral of becoming and acknowledge what I am learning. I will share and be of service. And keep looking for more white feathers along the way-the signs that I am on the right Path. And soon, more will come along for the ride.

It is all waiting for you.

Photo: Unsplash JR Korpa